Sunday 18 September 2011

Up coming book reviews

In the next week I plan to review Linger and Forever by Maggie Stiefvater and The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins I haven't blogged for ages due to exams and so forth.

And with that good reading!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Lie By Moonlight by Amanda Quick

So, I kept starting and stopping and starting and stopping and only finally finished 2 weeks ago after I decided to knuckle down and read it, it initially took me around 3-4 days to read it which is quiet slow but I had a million things going on. The book is about a teacher names Concordia Glade who teaches 4 orphaned girls all from wealthy backgrounds at an isolated school.As soon as she realises that there is something sinister going on behind the school she escapes with the girls and meet a man names Ambrose Wells a private detective who meets them in time to rescue them. Throughout the book you see a blossoming love between the two which both are entirely hesitant to admit and the unraveling of the mystery behind why the 4 girls were such a valuable asset to Larkin a mysterious criminal well known from his secretive activities.

This book at the beginning me had me very confused I didn't understand the link between the girl being murdered in the bath houses and Conconrdia and the girls but after the first 10 chapters you put the missing link aside and focus on the events that happen with the orphaned girls. The book towards the end leaves you at the end of your seat in suspense, wanting to understand how everything slots together. I would say that it won't appeal to many young people and is categorised under the adult mystery section but it appeals much to my reading  taste.

I think what appealed to me was the fact that the lead women ( Concordia) is very strong and is assertive. She doesn't just fall to Ambroses instructions and is hard to convince and talk to. Also she has a background which backs up why she is the way she is.The orphan girls annoyed me they always stuck their noses into business which did not concern them. I liked the mysteriousness of Ambrose it takes a while for things about his life to unravel. I expected it to have a lot more mystery to it so reading it did let me down a bit, but I'm not saying its bad.
This book was good but not excellent or gob smacking 6.5/10

Here is the link to were you can buy it:

Check out Amanda Quicks website:

The Decleration

The Declaration by Gemma Malley

The first in a trilogy of amazing books. About a world in which there has been a ground breaking cure to prevent the process of ageing called ‘longevity.’ As the world becomes more populated the only reasonable answer to prevent any further over population is to make everyone to sign a deceleration which in simple terms means they cannot have children. With a few exceptions the very rich and important are sometimes allowed to have children or that you stop taking the medication after the birth of your child. But in many cases the people who are taking the drug have been alive for decades so as soon as they stop taking the drug they age SUPER QUICKLY most people not living longer than a couple of weeks.
The few people who are found to have broken this deceleration children are then taken away to ‘surplus’ halls which they are then trained to be servants and do any jobs which are seen as a stress for society. Their esteems battered by the icy words that they are not wanted in society. Through out their lives in these institutions they are constantly made to repent the fact that they were born and that they should hate their birth parents for breaking the deceleration. The children,as they are not wanted are not allowed to take ‘longevity.
The book is centered around a girl called Anna who has lived in this institution and has been ‘successfully’ indoctrinated and hates her parents and her existence on the Earth and believes that he aim in life is to become a valuable asset, that is until a boy called Peter arrives who challenges her every thought and makes her see the world in a new-found light he brings a fresh view of the outside world as he managed to live with his parents under the national radar for many years, along with him he brings some revolutionary ideas.
At the beginning of the book I found Anna quiet an annoying character but as you get further in you start to understand why she is so stubborn and can sympathies with the fact she was raised in an institution where her life was no more important than the clothes she was wearing. I loved the fact she was realistically stubborn and believes what she was raised to and was not straight away swayed by the notion of freedom and a changing outside world. Mrs Pincent the women running the institution is a typical villain but this completely clashes with the style of the story. You gain so much respect for the fact that Anna wasn’t so naive as to just follow the new ‘hotty’ at her institution. She has a real back bone .
This book really shocked me I didn’t anticipate for it to be so goo. I found as  I read it  I got taken further and further into the book and by the end you don’t want it to end. Also the relationship between Anna and Peter is never 100% in your face, I would call it a sweet beginning. They aren’t always talking and thinking about each other which reflects the manner in which they were raised in. It is completely different to the usual style of book  I would read but I can’t really find a criticism. There are two other books in the series The Resistance and The Legacy, which  I am thoroughly looking forward to reviewing during July.
This book is shockingly good and has you hungry to know more. I would recommend it to those who want an easy read. 8/10.
Here is a link to were you can buy it:
Check out Gemma Malleys website: