Tuesday 25 May 2010

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

Shiver By Maggie Stiefvater
When I first picked it up I had just finished the Twilight Saga, so I went into it thinking this is going to be a crap version of it. Some romance, some mythical creatures, someone dying,someone girl frolicking around saying how much she loves a guy she just met.  But I was pleasantly surprised
I have read this book a million times ( actually only 6) and yet still I cannot get tired of it. I almost know it word for word and If somebody asked me on the spot a mini synopsis of each and every chapter I’m pretty sure I could pull it off. Her unique and colorful style of writing blew me away and dragged me into the book word by word, to the point were I spent a whole evening reading it and didn’t even realise the time! It is absolutely a fantastical and YES  I just said fantastical book.
So in the book we are first introduced to Grace as a little girl she has been dragged of her swings and being attacked, in the book it seems like it’s in slow motion but is saved by a wolf  ’her wolf’ as she identifies with him as.  10 years after the incident a guy called Jack at her school a rich, up himself world-renowned jerk goes out into the woods to I suppose to taunt the wolves and ends up being attacked and ‘killed’ his body later disappears from the morgue and this causes uproar in Mercy Falls. So as expected the men go out and hunt some wolves when Grace returns home after school after a desperate attempt to save her wolf  from being shot she sees a naked guy on her back porch with a striking resemblance to the wolf that saved her (his amazing yellow eyes!)
The story is about their blossoming young love and the fight against Sam turning into a wolf for the final time.Which is SO romantic and all . What I love about this book is the fact that each chapter is written in an alternation of perspectives either that of  Sams or Graces which allows you to see how each is feeling. I think it makes you notice the character  behaviorism’s  and true self more than in a book written from a narrators point of view. The characters are all really strong characters they all have importance. It doesn’t have a ton of people who come and go they are generally all there for a substantial amount of time, although you don’t get to meet Ulrik and Paul. All of the characters are needed if you removed one from the plot it would crumble.
I know that this book will always be put face to face with Twilight , unlike Twilight there is a whole really thought out science behind why after you have been bitten by a wolf you shift and how you shift from human to wolf (by temperature). Unlike Twilight’s sappy excuse of ‘oh the blood suckers are here and now it means when we get angry we turn into wolves’ also in Shiver they are wolves: normal sized animal hunting wolves. Grace is a strong and well established character with a serious back bone and SO brave because even thought she knows how things will end she sticks to it
This book is amazing and I will read over and over again. I think it is impossible to over read it. It is a book I would recommend to anyone.  10/1o
Here is a link to were you can buy it:
Also Maggie Stiefvaters website: